23 de Fevereiro de 2025

Multidão faz vígilia por Elizabeth II em frente ao Palácio de Buckingham 

Luto e tristeza marcaram esta quinta-feira (8/9) no Reino Unido. Logo após o Palácio de Buckingham reportar uma piora na saúde da rainha Elizabeth II, nesta tarde, uma multidão começou a se reunir em frente à residência oficial da monarca. Súditos, turistas e jornalistas acompanharam o anúncio da morte da rainha.

Por volta de 18h30 no horário local, depois do anúncio oficial da morte de Elizabeth II, que foi fixado no portão de entrada da casa real, as milhares de pessoas em frente ao Palácio de Buckingham viram o hasteamento da bandeira do Reino Unido, a meio mastro, um dos protocolos que confirmam a morte da chefe da família real.

Neste momento, um silêncio pairou sobre o local, acompanhado de lágrimas dos admiradores da rainha. Em seguida, os presentes entoaram o hino nacional britânico God Save The Queen, ou 'Deus Salve a Rainha', em português.

A monarca mais famosa do mundo faleceu no castelo de Balmoral, no norte da Escócia, onde costumava passar o verão.

  • Well-wishers gather outside Buckingham Palace late into the evening, after the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, in central London on September 8, 2022. - Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch in British history and an icon instantly recognisable to billions of people around the world, has died aged 96, Buckingham Palace said on Thursday. (Photo by ISABEL INFANTES / AFP) AFP
  • A police officer stands guard with the floral tributes outside Buckingham Palace late into the evening, after the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, in central London on September 8, 2022. - Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch in British history and an icon instantly recognisable to billions of people around the world, has died aged 96, Buckingham Palace said on Thursday. (Photo by ISABEL INFANTES / AFP) AFP
  • Well-wishers gather outside Buckingham Palace, after the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, in central London on September 8, 2022. - Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch in British history and an icon instantly recognisable to billions of people around the world, has died aged 96, Buckingham Palace said on Thursday. (Photo by ISABEL INFANTES / AFP) AFP
  • Well-wishers gather outside Buckingham Palace, after the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, in central London on September 8, 2022. - Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch in British history and an icon instantly recognisable to billions of people around the world, has died aged 96, Buckingham Palace said on Thursday. (Photo by Daniel LEAL / AFP) AFP
  • People gather outside Buckingham Palace in central London after it was announced that Queen Elizabeth II has died, in central London on September 8, 2022. - Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch in British history and an icon instantly recognisable to billions of people around the world, has died aged 96, Buckingham Palace said on Thursday. (Photo by Daniel LEAL / AFP) AFP
  • Wellwishers arrive to place flowers at the gates of Buckingham Palace, after the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, in central London on September 8, 2022. - Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch in British history and an icon instantly recognisable to billions of people around the world, has died aged 96, Buckingham Palace said on Thursday. (Photo by Daniel LEAL / AFP) AFP
  • A union flag flies at half mast atop Buckingham Palace after the announcement that Queen Elizabeth II had died, in central London on September 8, 2022. - Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch in British history and an icon instantly recognisable to billions of people around the world, has died aged 96, Buckingham Palace said on Thursday. (Photo by Daniel LEAL / AFP) AFP

A multidão não se deteve com o cair da noite. Milhares de pessoas de todas as idades continuam em frente ao Palácio de Buckingham e prestam homenagens à rainha Elizabeth II.

Buquês de flores são apoiados no muro da residência real em Londres. Já no Palácio de Balmoral, na Escócia, onde a rainha morreu, súditos ignoraram a chuva e foram até o local para deixar flores em tributo à Elizabeth.

“Nós a conhecemos por toda a nossa vida. É a mãe da Nação. Foi heroica em tantas situações. Meu respeito por ela é incrível, mas meu amor é ainda maior. Durante anos vamos chorar por ela”, afirmou a inglesa Suzan Antonowicz, à AFP.

As homenagens se espalham por todo território britânico. No Parlamento, a Suprema Corte e a Abadia de Westminster, a bandeira também foi hasteada a meio-mastro. No telão da praça de Piccadilly Circus, uma das zonas mais movimentadas da capital inglesa, a imagem da monarca com seu ano de nascimento e morte ficaram expostos durante a noite.

  • Elizabeth II quebrou os protocolos da monarquia britânica e institui a "caminhada entre plebeus". Quanto ela podia, ela ficava perto dos cidadãos do país e dos países em que visitava. Na foto, de julho de 2004, ela se aproxima e oferece uma rosa a um britânico após uma cerimônia oficial em um parque de Londres Peter NICHOLLS / POOL / AFP
  • (FILES) In this file photo taken on April 18, 1947 official portrait of Britain's Princess Elizabeth (future Queen Elizabeth II) taken three days before her 21th birthday in London. - Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch in British history and an icon instantly recognisable to billions of people around the world, has died aged 96, Buckingham Palace said on September 8, 2022. Her eldest son, Charles, 73, succeeds as king immediately, according to centuries of protocol, beginning a new, less certain chapter for the royal family after the queen's record-breaking 70-year reign. (Photo by AFP) AFP
  • Rainha Elizabeth II e príncipe Philip na cerimônia de coroação, em 1953. BiblioArchives / LibraryArchives from Canada
  • Pedestres param diante da homenagem à rainha em Piccadilly Circus AFP
  • (FILES) In this file photo taken on April 01, 2011 Britain's Queen Elizabeth II holds on to her hat in high winds as she arrives for a visit to RAF Valley in Anglesey, Wales. - Brightly coloured outfits, a matching hat and a pristine pair of gloves: Queen Elizabeth II's look was instantly recognisable and a self-created uniform styled to suit her role. During her reign, the monarch tried out every shade in the colour chart, from canary yellow to lime green, fuchsia and navy blue. Her inimitable style was developed over the decades by aides and designers, starting with Norman Hartnell, who created her wedding dress when she married Prince Philip in 1947. (Photo by Christopher Furlong / POOL / AFP) AFP
  • Elizabeth em 7 de junho de 1951 AFP
  • (FILES) In this file photo taken on June 28, 2022 Britain's Queen Elizabeth II waves as she attends an Armed Forces Act of Loyalty Parade at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, Scotland. - Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch in British history and an icon instantly recognisable to billions of people around the world, has died aged 96, Buckingham Palace said on Thursday, September 8, 2022. Her eldest son, Charles, 73, succeeds as king immediately, according to centuries of protocol, beginning a new, less certain chapter for the royal family after the queen's record-breaking 70-year reign. (Photo by ANDY BUCHANAN / AFP) AFP
  • (FILES) In this file photo taken on June 12, 2021 Britain's Queen Elizabeth II watches a military ceremony to mark her official birthday at Windsor Castle in Windsor. - Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch in British history and an icon instantly recognisable to billions of people around the world, has died aged 96, Buckingham Palace said on September 8, 2022. Her eldest son, Charles, 73, succeeds as king immediately, according to centuries of protocol, beginning a new, less certain chapter for the royal family after the queen's record-breaking 70-year reign. (Photo by Chris Jackson / POOL / AFP) AFP
  • (FILES) In this file photo taken on May 25, 2010 Britain's Prince Philip (R), listens as his wife, Queen Elizabeth II speaks during her address to the House of Lords, during the State Opening of Parliament in Westminster, central London on May 25, 2010. - Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch in British history and an icon instantly recognisable to billions of people around the world, has died aged 96, Buckingham Palace said on September 8, 2022. Her eldest son, Charles, 73, succeeds as king immediately, according to centuries of protocol, beginning a new, less certain chapter for the royal family after the queen's record-breaking 70-year reign. (Photo by Leon NEAL / POOL / AFP) AFP
  • (FILES) In this file photo taken on May 11, 2021 Britain's Queen Elizabeth II sits on the The Sovereign's Throne in the House of Lords chamber during the State Opening of Parliament at the Houses of Parliament in London, which is taking place with a reduced capacity due to Covid-19 restrictions. - Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch in British history and an icon instantly recognisable to billions of people around the world, has died aged 96, Buckingham Palace said on September 8, 2022. Her eldest son, Charles, 73, succeeds as king immediately, according to centuries of protocol, beginning a new, less certain chapter for the royal family after the queen's record-breaking 70-year reign. (Photo by Chris Jackson / POOL / AFP) AFP
  • (FILES) In this file photo taken on June 2, 2022 Britain's Queen Elizabeth II stands to watch a special flypast from Buckingham Palace balcony following the Queen's Birthday Parade, the Trooping the Colour, as part of Queen Elizabeth II's platinum jubilee celebrations, in London. - The doctors of Queen Elizabeth II, 96, are "concerned" about her health and "have recommended that she be placed under medical supervision" at her castle in Balmoral, Scotland, Buckingham Palace said on September 8, 2022. "Following a further assessment this morning, the Queen's doctors are concerned for Her Majesty's health and have recommended that she remains under medical supervision. The Queen continues to be comfortable and at Balmoral," the palace said in a brief statement. (Photo by Daniel LEAL / AFP) AFP

Os protocolos para as homenagens fúnebres à rainha começaram ainda nesta quinta-feira (8/9) e deve durar dez dias. Na sexta-feira (9/9) uma saudação de armas no Hyde Park, parque no centro de Londres, e na Tower Hill, local de homenagem aos militares mortos nas guerras mundiais; e a proclamação do novo rei no Palácio de St James, estão programados.

No sábado, o caixão da rainha sairá do Castelo de Balmoral, onde a monarca morreu, na Escócia, e seguirá para o Palácio de Holyroodhouse, também em solo escocês, residência oficial da rainha no país.

No domingo, terá uma procissão até a Catedral de St Giles. Lá, o velório será aberto ao público por 24 horas. No quarto dia, é esperado que o caixão siga pelo British Royal Train, trem real usado para transportar membros da família real, para Londres.

No quinto dia, o caixão sairá do Palácio de Buckingham carregado até Westminster Hall, o prédio onde está o Congresso britânico. Lá, a cerimônia também será aberta ao público por 23 horas. No último dia de funeral, o caixão da rainha será levado em procissão do Westminster Hall até a Abadia de Westminster.

Após uma hora na Abadia, o caixão será levado até o Hyde Park e, de lá, viajará para Windsor, residência real, onde o corpo será velado na Capela de São Jorge, que fica no castelo. É lá que o corpo da rainha será sepultado, na abóbada real.

(Com AFP)

Fonte: correiobraziliense

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