22 de Novembro de 2024

Sob aplausos, corpo de Elizabeth II chega a Edimburgo, capital da Escócia

A primeira parada do corpo de Elizabeth II durante o cortejo fúnebre deste domingo (11/9) ocorreu por volta das 12h30 (horário de Brasília) em Edimburgo, capital da Escócia. A monarca ficará no Palácio de Holyroodhouse — na cidade — para depois embarcar (de avião) para Londres.

O corpo de Elizabeth II estava no Castelo de Balmoral (onde a monarca morreu) e levou cerca de seis horas para chegar a Edimburgo. A distância entre os locais é de 160 km.

Durante chegada a Edimburgo, o carro fúnebre com o Elizabeth II passou pela Royal Standard of Scotland. A rua foi o local onde o público acompanhou o cortejo. No momento da passagem do caixão houve silêncio e aplausos.

  • Members of the public watch the hearse carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, draped in the Royal Standard of Scotland, as it is driven through Edinburgh towards the Palace of Holyroodhouse, on September 11, 2022. - The coffin carrying the body of Queen Elizabeth II left her beloved Balmoral Castle on Sunday, beginning a six-hour journey to the Scottish capital of Edinburgh. (Photo by Oli SCARFF / AFP) AFP
  • Members of the public watch the hearse carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, draped in the Royal Standard of Scotland, as it is driven through Edinburgh towards the Palace of Holyroodhouse, on September 11, 2022. - The coffin carrying the body of Queen Elizabeth II left her beloved Balmoral Castle on Sunday, beginning a six-hour journey to the Scottish capital of Edinburgh. (Photo by Oli SCARFF / AFP) AFP
  • Members of the public watch the hearse carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, draped in the Royal Standard of Scotland, as it is driven through Edinburgh towards the Palace of Holyroodhouse, on September 11, 2022. - The coffin carrying the body of Queen Elizabeth II left her beloved Balmoral Castle on Sunday, beginning a six-hour journey to the Scottish capital of Edinburgh. (Photo by Odd ANDERSEN / AFP) AFP
  • Members of the public watch the hearse carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, as it is driven through Edinburgh towards the Palace of Holyroodhouse, on September 11, 2022. - The coffin carrying the body of Queen Elizabeth II left her beloved Balmoral Castle on Sunday, beginning a six-hour journey to the Scottish capital of Edinburgh. (Photo by Odd ANDERSEN / AFP) AFP
  • Members of the public watch the hearse carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, draped in the Royal Standard of Scotland, as it is driven through Edinburgh towards the Palace of Holyroodhouse, on September 11, 2022. - The coffin carrying the body of Queen Elizabeth II left her beloved Balmoral Castle on Sunday, beginning a six-hour journey to the Scottish capital of Edinburgh. (Photo by Oli SCARFF / AFP) AFP
  • Chegada de Elizabeth II a Edimburgo, na Escócia Oli SCARFF / AFP

O enterro do corpo está previsto para o dia 19 de setembro — até lá diversas cerimônias ainda ocorrerão com o corpo da Rainha.

Pelas redes sociais, a Família Real transmitiu todo o percurso.


Fonte: correiobraziliense

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