23 de Fevereiro de 2025

EUA entram em domingo de Natal contabilizando mais mortes por frio intenso

EUA | Canadá - Uma tempestade de inverno que atingiu os Estados Unidos com nevascas e ventos polares deixou 17 mortos neste sábado, mais de meio milhão de pessoas sem eletricidade e milhares de viajantes retidos devido ao cancelamento de voos horas antes do Natal.

Autoridades confirmaram 17 mortes relacionadas à tempestade, em oito estados. Grande parte do país ainda sofre, neste domingo (25/12) com temperaturas perigosamente gélidas, pelo terceiro dia consecutivo.

Esse "ciclone bomba", tempestade definida como "única em uma geração" pelo Serviço Nacional de Meteorologia (NWS, sigla em inglês), provocou hoje o cancelamento de mais de 2.800 voos e o atraso de outros 6.600, um dia depois de quase 6.000 descolagens terem sido canceladas, segundo o site especializado FlightAware.

O secretário de Transporte, Pete Buttigieg, tuitou hoje que "as interrupções mais extremas ficaram para trás, à medida que as operações das companhias aéreas e dos aeroportos são retomadas gradualmente".

Muitos viajantes retidos nos aeroportos de Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Detroit e Nova York mantinham a esperança de que um milagre de Natal lhes permitisse chegar a seus destinos a tempo das comemorações.

Segundo o site Poweroutage.us, os estados mais afetados pelos cortes de energia eram Carolina do Norte, Maine e Tennessee. Às 22h00 GMT deste sábado, cerca de 530 mil clientes continuavam sem eletricidade devido aos efeitos do frio extremo, informou o site. Algumas cidades começaram a implementar apagões por turnos.

Em muitos estados, estradas se tornaram intransitáveis ou muito perigosas, o que causou acidentes fatais. O gelo nas estradas também provocou o fechamento de rotas importantes, como a Interestadual 70, que corta o país, onde trechos foram interditados no Colorado e Kansas.

Em cidades como Denver ou Chicago, abrigos foram abertos para permitir que pessoas se aquecessem e se protegessem do risco de hipotermia.

A tempestade deve durar todo o fim de semana, até que as temperaturas se normalizem, em meados da semana que vem, indicou o NWS.

Até então, "se você tem que viajar ou ficar ao ar livre, prepare-se para o frio extremo com várias camadas de roupa e cobrindo o máximo de pele possível", recomendou hoje o serviço. "Em alguns lugares, permanecer do lado de fora pode causar congelamento em questão de minutos."

Canadá é afetado

O Canadá também foi afetado pela tempestade, e todas as províncias estavam com alertas meteorológicos.

Centenas de milhares de pessoas ficaram sem eletricidade em Ontário e Quebec, e os aeroportos de Vancouver, Toronto e Montreal registraram cancelamentos de voos.

Passageiros de trens parados em Ontário relataram que permaneceram nos vagões por até 18 horas devido às condições climáticas extremas.

Esse tipo de tempestade é provocado por uma "bomba de baixa pressão", um choque entre duas massas de ar - uma muito fria, do Ártico, e outra tropical, do Golfo do México - agravado por uma queda repentina da pressão atmosférica, em menos de 24 horas.


  • A traveler arrives at the American Airlines Terminal 3 ahead of the Christmas Holiday at O'Hare International Airport on December 22, 2022, in Chicago. - More than 1,500 flights were canceled across the US by Thursday morning as a massive winter storm upended holiday travel plans with a triple threat of heavy snow, howling winds and bitter cold. (Photo by KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI / AFP) Caption AFP
  • A woman crosses the street as she braves the freezing weather ahead of the Christmas Holiday, in Chicago on December 22, 2022. - More than 2,200 flights were canceled across the United States by Thursday afternoon as a massive winter storm named Elliot upended holiday travel plans with a triple threat of heavy snow, howling winds and bitter cold (Photo by KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI / AFP) Caption AFP
  • A man uses a snow blower to clear a sidewalk during a winter storm ahead of the Christmas Holiday outside the Union Station, in Chicago on December 22, 2022. - More than 2,200 flights were canceled across the United States by Thursday afternoon as a massive winter storm named Elliot upended holiday travel plans with a triple threat of heavy snow, howling winds and bitter cold (Photo by KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI / AFP) Caption AFP
  • A person crosses a street in the Mile End, a borough in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, as the snow comes down on December 22, 2022. - A "once-in-a-generation" winter storm with temperatures as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit caused Christmas travel chaos in the United States on Thursday, with thousands of flights cancelled and major highways closed. (Photo by ANDREJ IVANOV / AFP) AFP
  • A person walks in Place des Arts in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, as the snow comes down on December 22, 2022. - A "once-in-a-generation" winter storm with temperatures as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit caused Christmas travel chaos in the United States on Thursday, with thousands of flights cancelled and major highways closed. (Photo by ANDREJ IVANOV / AFP) AFP
  • A person walks in the Mile End, a borough in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, as the snow comes down on December 22, 2022. - A "once-in-a-generation" winter storm with temperatures as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit caused Christmas travel chaos in the United States on Thursday, with thousands of flights cancelled and major highways closed. (Photo by ANDREJ IVANOV / AFP) AFP
  • Travelers make their way through the terminal at Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 23, 2022. - A historic and brutal winter storm put some 240 million Americans under severe weather warnings Friday as the US faced holiday travel chaos, with thousands of flights cancelled and major highways closed. (Photo by Joseph Prezioso / AFP) AFP
  • An Air Canada plane sits on the apron at the London International Airport as crews work to keep runways clear during a large winter storm in London, Ontario, Canada, December 23, 2022. - Schools and some highways in the region were closed, and air travel was disrupted as the system made its way across the province. (Photo by Geoff Robins / AFP) AFP
  • Traffic moves slowly along a snow-covered Highway 401 in London, Ontario, Canada, during a large winter storm on December 23, 2022. - Schools and some highways in the region were closed, and air travel was disrupted as the system made its way across the province. (Photo by Geoff Robins / AFP) AFP
  • Crews work to keep runways clear at the London International Airport during a large winter storm in London, Ontario, Canada, December 23, 2022. - Schools and some highways in the region were closed, and air travel was disrupted as the system made its way across the province. (Photo by Geoff Robins / AFP) AFP
  • Mist rises from Lake Michigan in Chicago on December 23, 2022, where temperatures reached -6F (-21C) ahead of the Christmas holiday. - A historic and brutal winter storm put some 240 million Americans under weather warnings Friday as the United States faced holiday travel chaos, with thousands of flights canceled and major highways closed. (Photo by KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI / AFP) AFP
  • Snow-covered buildings are seen in Louisville, Kentucky, under freezing temperatures on December 23, 2022. - Nearly a million-and-a-half US power customers were in the dark Friday as a severe winter storm walloped the country, causing highway closures and thousands of flight cancellations days before Christmas. Heavy snow, howling winds, and air so frigid it instantly turned boiling water into ice took hold of much of the nation, including normally temperate southern states. (Photo by LEANDRO LOZADA / AFP) AFP
  • Travelers wait at the Pierre-Elliot Trudeau International Airport in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, as the snow comes down on December 23, 2022. - Nearly a million-and-a-half US power customers were in the dark Friday as a severe winter storm walloped the country, causing highway closures and thousands of flight cancellations days before Christmas. Heavy snow, howling winds, and air so frigid it instantly turned boiling water into ice took hold of much of the nation, including normally temperate southern states. (Photo by ANDREJ IVANOV / AFP) AFP
  • Travelers walk through Miami International Airport during a winter storm ahead of the Christmas holiday in Miami, Florida, on December 23, 2022. - Nearly a million-and-a-half US power customers were in the dark Friday as a severe winter storm walloped the country, causing highway closures and thousands of flight cancellations days before Christmas. Heavy snow, howling winds, and air so frigid it instantly turned boiling water into ice took hold of much of the nation, including normally temperate southern states. (Photo by CHANDAN KHANNA / AFP) AFP
  • Travelers look at flight schedules at Miami International Airport during a winter storm ahead of the Christmas holiday in Miami, Florida, on December 23, 2022. - Nearly a million-and-a-half US power customers were in the dark Friday as a severe winter storm walloped the country, causing highway closures and thousands of flight cancellations days before Christmas. Heavy snow, howling winds, and air so frigid it instantly turned boiling water into ice took hold of much of the nation, including normally temperate southern states. (Photo by CHANDAN KHANNA / AFP) AFP
  • Vehicles move along a highway in Louisville, Kentucky, under freezing temperatures on December 23, 2022. - Nearly a million-and-a-half US power customers were in the dark Friday as a severe winter storm walloped the country, causing highway closures and thousands of flight cancellations days before Christmas. Heavy snow, howling winds, and air so frigid it instantly turned boiling water into ice took hold of much of the nation, including normally temperate southern states. (Photo by LEANDRO LOZADA / AFP) AFP
  • Ice adorns a fountain in Charleston, South Carolina, on December 24, 2022, where temperatures are forecast to reach a high of 32F (0C). - The winter storm that pummelled the US with blinding snow and powerful Arctic winds left 1.7 million customers without power on December 24 as thousands of cancelled flights stranded travelers. At least 13 storm-related deaths have been confirmed across six states as heavy snow, howling winds and dangerously frigid temperatures kept much of the nation, including the normally temperate south, in a frozen grip for a third straight day. (Photo by PEDRO UGARTE / AFP) AFP

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