23 de Fevereiro de 2025

Comédia 'stand-up' traz reinserção social a presidiárias no Paraguai

Adriana Torres diz que não tem pressa: "Hoje não vou sair, não tenho planos de fuga", brinca. 

Ela está na maior penitenciária feminina do Paraguai e acaba de recitar um monólogo de comédia stand-up que pode ajudá-la a reingressar no mercado de trabalho. 

O espetáculo acontece no pátio do presídio "El Buen Pastor", em Assunção, onde um grupo de presas se senta em cadeiras dispostas em fila para presenciar o espetáculo que encerra o curso de dois meses oferecido pela ONG Corazón Libre e no qual uma dúzia de presidiárias participaram. 

Uma delas é Torres, de 33 anos, que deixou cinco filhos, de 15 a 1 ano, sob a tutela do pai, enquanto cumpre pena de seis meses por "furto simples" para obtenção de crack, ao qual ela diz que é viciada. 

"Meu pai, quando descobriu que eu estava na prisão, veio me ver e me disse: 'Prefiro ver você aqui do que na rua'", disse ela à AFP ao sair do palco, adornado com roupas coloridas flâmulas. 

"Fiquei dois anos na rua. Há cinco anos comecei a usar drogas. E dois anos foram suficientes para realmente me derreter", continua ela, pronta para sair este mês. 

Esse tipo de experiência pode arruinar vidas, mas também tem o potencial de se tornar o combustível do humor. 

É isso que lhes ensina Carolina Romero, a comediante e professora de comédia que lidera esta experiência de levar o stand-up americano à prisão feminina paraguaia. 

"O que alimenta o sucesso do stand-up é a tragédia, mas requer habilidade e um processo para assumir certas realidades e rir delas", disse Romero à AFP, carregando um caderno onde anota os tipos de piadas e recursos criativos do humor.

Das dez presas que fizeram as oito aulas de stand-up, apenas metade se atreveu a subir ao palco no dia do último show no presídio. O público ri alto, observado de perto pelos guardas. 

Em seu monólogo, a argentina Brisa Leguizamón, 25 anos, descreve sua grande família e seu papel como tia que cuida de crianças terríveis. "A casa parece ter sido invadida pela polícia", diz ele ironicamente. 

"Mas quando chega a hora, estamos todos lá. É assim que a família é. Brigamos, mas no aniversário todos vamos. Se alguém ficar doente, estamos todos lá. E sem falar se há um acorde: vamos todos, menos um, obrigado!" ela se despede. 

Leguizamón foi presa em Assunção em 2023, após ser acusada na Argentina de tráfico varejista de drogas junto com o marido, em um caso que recebeu cobertura da mídia. 

Ambos estão sujeitos a processos de extradição por tráfico de drogas na conturbada cidade de Rosário, na província argentina de Santa Fé. 

Porém, ela prefere falar sobre seus cinco minutos de show. 

"Acredito que isto pode se tornar uma boa ferramenta para o mundo exterior, agora temos que ver se chegamos lá", afirmou.  

Romero defende ainda a ideia de "ver a arte como uma oportunidade de trabalho: isso é algo que geralmente não é considerado e há muitas detentas que querem ter uma oportunidade de reintegração". 

O presídio "El Buen Pastor", o maior presídio feminino do Paraguai, abriga 550 presas, quando tem capacidade para apenas 200 pessoas. 

Segundo o ministro da Justiça, Rodrigo Nicora, o Estado tem capacidade para 11 mil presos em todo o país, mas a população carcerária ultrapassa os 18 mil em 18 centros penitenciários, sendo quatro deles femininos e seis mistos.

  • Comédia stand-up traz reinserção social a presidiárias no Paraguai
    Comédia stand-up traz reinserção social a presidiárias no Paraguai DANIEL DUARTE / AFP
  • Comédia stand-up traz reinserção social a presidiárias no Paraguai
    Comédia stand-up traz reinserção social a presidiárias no Paraguai DANIEL DUARTE / AFP
  •  An inmate performs her monologue during the closing of a stand-up comedy workshop at the El Buen Pastor womens prison in Asuncion on August 10, 2024. The Paraguayan NGO Corazon Libre (Free Heart) held a two-month stand-up comedy workshop with the participation of a dozen inmates to help them reintegrate into the labor market upon their release from prison. (Photo by DANIEL DUARTE / AFP)
    An inmate performs her monologue during the closing of a stand-up comedy workshop at the El Buen Pastor womens prison in Asuncion on August 10, 2024. The Paraguayan NGO Corazon Libre (Free Heart) held a two-month stand-up comedy workshop with the participation of a dozen inmates to help them reintegrate into the labor market upon their release from prison. (Photo by DANIEL DUARTE / AFP) DANIEL DUARTE / AFP
  •  Inmates pose for a picture with some of the facilitators during the closing of a stand-up comedy workshop at the El Buen Pastor womens prison in Asuncion, Aug. 10, 2024. The Paraguayan NGO Corazon Libre (Free Heart) held a two-month stand-up comedy workshop with the participation of a dozen inmates to help them reintegrate into the labor market upon their release from prison. (Photo by DANIEL DUARTE / AFP)
    Inmates pose for a picture with some of the facilitators during the closing of a stand-up comedy workshop at the El Buen Pastor womens prison in Asuncion, Aug. 10, 2024. The Paraguayan NGO Corazon Libre (Free Heart) held a two-month stand-up comedy workshop with the participation of a dozen inmates to help them reintegrate into the labor market upon their release from prison. (Photo by DANIEL DUARTE / AFP) DANIEL DUARTE / AFP
  •  An inmate performs her monologue during the closing of a stand-up comedy workshop at the El Buen Pastor womens prison in Asuncion on August 10, 2024. The Paraguayan NGO Corazon Libre (Free Heart) held a two-month stand-up comedy workshop with the participation of a dozen inmates to help them reintegrate into the labor market upon their release from prison. (Photo by DANIEL DUARTE / AFP)
    An inmate performs her monologue during the closing of a stand-up comedy workshop at the El Buen Pastor womens prison in Asuncion on August 10, 2024. The Paraguayan NGO Corazon Libre (Free Heart) held a two-month stand-up comedy workshop with the participation of a dozen inmates to help them reintegrate into the labor market upon their release from prison. (Photo by DANIEL DUARTE / AFP) DANIEL DUARTE / AFP
  •  An inmate performs her monologue during the closing of a stand-up comedy workshop at the El Buen Pastor womens prison in Asuncion on August 10, 2024. The Paraguayan NGO Corazon Libre (Free Heart) held a two-month stand-up comedy workshop with the participation of a dozen inmates to help them reintegrate into the labor market upon their release from prison. (Photo by DANIEL DUARTE / AFP)
    An inmate performs her monologue during the closing of a stand-up comedy workshop at the El Buen Pastor womens prison in Asuncion on August 10, 2024. The Paraguayan NGO Corazon Libre (Free Heart) held a two-month stand-up comedy workshop with the participation of a dozen inmates to help them reintegrate into the labor market upon their release from prison. (Photo by DANIEL DUARTE / AFP) DANIEL DUARTE / AFP
  •  Inmates participate in the closing of a stand-up comedy workshop at the El Buen Pastor womens prison in Asuncion on August 10, 2024. The Paraguayan NGO Corazon Libre (Free Heart) held a two-month stand-up comedy workshop with the participation of a dozen inmates to help them reintegrate into the labor market upon their release from prison. (Photo by DANIEL DUARTE / AFP)
    Inmates participate in the closing of a stand-up comedy workshop at the El Buen Pastor womens prison in Asuncion on August 10, 2024. The Paraguayan NGO Corazon Libre (Free Heart) held a two-month stand-up comedy workshop with the participation of a dozen inmates to help them reintegrate into the labor market upon their release from prison. (Photo by DANIEL DUARTE / AFP) DANIEL DUARTE / AFP
  •  Inmates perform their monologues during the closing of a stand-up comedy workshop at the El Buen Pastor womens prison in Asuncion on August 10, 2024. The Paraguayan NGO Corazon Libre (Free Heart) held a two-month stand-up comedy workshop with the participation of a dozen inmates to help them reintegrate into the labor market upon their release from prison. (Photo by DANIEL DUARTE / AFP)
    Inmates perform their monologues during the closing of a stand-up comedy workshop at the El Buen Pastor womens prison in Asuncion on August 10, 2024. The Paraguayan NGO Corazon Libre (Free Heart) held a two-month stand-up comedy workshop with the participation of a dozen inmates to help them reintegrate into the labor market upon their release from prison. (Photo by DANIEL DUARTE / AFP) DANIEL DUARTE / AFP
  •  An inmate performs her monologue during the closing of a stand-up comedy workshop at the El Buen Pastor womens prison in Asuncion on August 10, 2024. The Paraguayan NGO Corazon Libre (Free Heart) held a two-month stand-up comedy workshop with the participation of a dozen inmates to help them reintegrate into the labor market upon their release from prison. (Photo by DANIEL DUARTE / AFP)
    An inmate performs her monologue during the closing of a stand-up comedy workshop at the El Buen Pastor womens prison in Asuncion on August 10, 2024. The Paraguayan NGO Corazon Libre (Free Heart) held a two-month stand-up comedy workshop with the participation of a dozen inmates to help them reintegrate into the labor market upon their release from prison. (Photo by DANIEL DUARTE / AFP) DANIEL DUARTE / AFP

Fonte: correiobraziliense

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